
Labour Management Committee

Lisa Barker -President

Megan Fitzpatrick-Chief Steward,

Rachel Fleming -Nursing rep

Roger Grant-Non nurse rep


OCHU Area 4/Bargaining Committee

Lisa Barker- President

Megan Fitzpatrick-Chief Steward

Rachel Fleming -RPN

Nicole Bartlett- Stores

Melanie Springer- Nutrition

Abby Macfarlane- EVS

Ian George- Building Services


Health and Safety Committee

Nursing Rep:Rachel Fleming

Alternate: Barb Jones

Non Nursing Rep: Roger Grant

Alternate: Tasha Aubin


Social Committee

Kate Griffin

Amber Carmichael

Nikki Bartlett

Rachel Fleming

Megan Fitzpatrick


Job Evaluation/Pay Equity Committee

Committee was established in 2001 and trained in conducting job evaluations. This committee remains the same until a member withdraws from the committee (recorded from the election ballot of 2003) The Job Evaluation Committee consists of the President, 3 elects plus 1 alternate. Upon resignation of a member of the committee the alternate shall fill the vacancy and a new alternate shall be elected at the next General membership meeting following the vacancy

President: Lisa Barker

RPN: Deedee Atchison- Towse

Nutrition: Roger Grant

EVS: Lisa Adamson

Building Services: Ian George

Alternate: Rachel Fleming (RPN)


By-Law Committee

Alisha Shaughnessy

Angela Pettipas

Dave Butcher

Jim Basciano

Kate Griffin



Website Administrator

Amanda Lewis & Melanie Springer